April 13, 2013

Using the Power of Emotional to Your Business

Using the Power of Emotional to Your Business

Using the Power of Emotional to Your Business

Love Claw, Using the Power of Emotional to Your Business

So What Exactly Is The Love Claw Plug-in?

The Love Claw plug-in is a customizable social plug-in that works on the emotional/psychological aspect of your blog/website readers by PLACING BUTTONS on your posts/pages that highly entice your reader to interact and spread your content through Facebook or other social media means.

The creators of this plug-in (Munchweb) have done vigorous testing on Love Claw’s social buttons compared to the traditional facebook like social button on a large number of websites/blogs and have come back with staggering results. This plug-in works by emotionally engaging your readers/followers and encourages them to give you a social/emotional vote. After they have clicked on the emotional button of their choice then they are given the option to facebook your content and spread it virally.
Even if they choose not to share your content on facebook you are still given a number vote that shows up under your buttons. That’s what makes this plug-in so great. Your content will still look popular to the next visitor because you have emotional votes to prove this. The other I love, this Plug-in works both for WordPress sites and Non-Wordpress sites. So you don’t have to worry about only working off one platform to be able to use this plug-in. LoveClaw uses a simple Javascript based interface which allows this to happen. Smart thinking by Chris and his team at Munchweb.

Secondly the installation process is extremely simple on any platform.

What’s The Love Claw Accounts Section/Site All About?

After you purchase the Love Claw Plug-in software you are given a username and password where you can access your Love Claw Accounts Site. There are four main components to your Accounts site. They are MY ACCOUNT, REPORTS, and DOCUMENTATION AND CONTACT SUPPORT.
FOR WORDPRESS SITES - you simply just upload the zip folder that contains the plug-in and activate it from your dashboard. You can then start customizing the plug-in from your Settings section. You will need though an API key  to activate the plug-in which is available to you from your Love Claw Accounts section (more about that later).

FOR NON-WORDPRESS SITES - all you have to do is get your API key from your Love Claw Accounts section – activate it and then enter the domain you wish to have the Love Claw plug-in installed on. Then you simply use The Love Claw JavaScript generator to get your code. Once you have that code you can place it anywhere on your page where you would like the Love Claw buttons to appear.

If you have any difficulties with any of this there is a very thorough detailed explanation and how-to guide in your Love Claw Accounts section under the Documentation page that walks you through everything you need to know.


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